原书作者: Jeffrey Richter.
原书名称: "Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows,Fourth Edition."
中文译本: Windows 核心编程.(机械工业出版社)
专题目的: 用Masm32改写本书所有源代码.
专题说明: 为简单起见,大部分改写的源程序将暂时只保证在Win98上正确运行.也欢迎您贡献出自己的源代码.
专题日期: 2001.11.25—2002.??
Name | Date | Describe |
... | ... | ... |
MMFShare | 2001.11.26 | a demo of Memory mapping file |
CopyData | 2001.11.27 | a demo of WM_COPYDATA |
AppInst | 2001.11.28 | a demo of shared section in PE file. |
Handshake | 2001.11.28 | a demo of use auto-reset event. |
Summation | 2001.12.19 | a demo of use SEH when stack overflow |
SEHTerm | 2001.12.19 | a demo of use final Exception Handle |
ErrorShow | 2001.12.27 | get text description for an error code |
SchedLab | 2001.12.27 | process and thread priority classes |
SWMRG | 2001.12.27 | The Single Writer/Multiple Reader Guard |
Counter | 2001.12.27 | background processing using fibers |
VMStat | 2001.12.27 | how to get Virtual Memory Status |
MemReset | 2001.12.27 | change the protection attributes of pages |
FileRev | 2002.02.04 | how to use memory-mapped files |
Queue | 2002.02.04 | how to uses a mutex and a semaphore |
TimedMsgBox | 2002.02.05 | use the thread pool's timer functions |
LISWatch | 2002.02.05 | Local Input State Laboratory |
SysInfo | 2002.02.06 | call GetSystemInfo,display info returned |